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Terms and conditions of use

This contract was last modified on 01-01-2018

The present terms and conditions of use (hereinafter, "General conditions") govern, along with the privacy policy, access and use by the user of the website accessible through the domain (hereinafter, "Website"). Through the acceptance of these terms and conditions of use, the user states that:

1. He/She is of legal age, 21 years old
2. He/She has read, understood and comprehended what is stated here.
3. He/She assumes all the obligations and responsibilities set forth in the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of use.

The use of this website attributes the condition of user of the website (hereinafter, “The user”) and implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions contained in these General conditions. The user must read carefully these General conditions of use each time he intends to access the website since it and these may be modified. Unless otherwise indicated, and with the condition that it complies with all the obligations indicated in this acceptance of our terms and conditions of use. The user is not authorized to copy and print the content, images, pdf and any functionality of to distribute and/or modify the contents of this website to third parties.

The owner of the website reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, any modification or update of its contents and services, of these general conditions and, in general, of all the elements that make up the design and configuration of the website. Similarly, the owner of the website reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the provision of any service offered through the website or, even, simple access to it.

These terms of use apply to the specific website, whether global, national, regional or specific practice that you are visiting within, before clicking on the terms of use section. This individual website refers to these terms of use as “Terms of Use”.

By browsing this website, the user is consenting to its terms of use. If the visitor does not agree with it, he/she is not authorized to continue browsing this website and must immediately abandon the website.

Satisfaction guarantee is committed to providing its users with a high quality service. For this, our services are constantly improved and updated. We do not offer services until we can ensure its accurate functioning. In this way, our clients only pay for services that meet all the requirements and have been tested for proper running.

OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD provides administrative services for companies through law firms located in different jurisdictions, coordinating their activities through service agreements.

The existing rules require OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD. to incorporate in its working activity an international standard "Due dilligence" every time when it comes to accepting a new client. This is done with the aim of being able to denounce and keep out of our clientele physical persons or legal entities that are engaged in money laundering or other illicit activities. We are convinced that by carrying out this practice we also protect the good reputation of our clients. The strict compliance of laws, regulations and in general any regulations referred to "due diligence" are a necessity that seeks the best interests for our clients.

To comply with the local legislation of the jurisdiction in which the client has his company, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD is committed to the principle of "Know Your Client". This means that we are going to need some information and documentation from the potential client before accepting a new project.

Any illegal activity detected during uses of companies, bank accounts, virtual cards and payment gateway leads to an automatic rejection of the project and closure of the contracted service.

Purpose and scope of application

1. These Terms and Conditions are intended to govern trade relations between OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD and its client (hereinafter, "Client"). On the basis of these Terms and Conditions, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD must provide its Client with various services such as setting up offshore companies (hereinafter, "Company") and other related services ("Additional Services") in addition to assistance with opening bank accounts ("Opening of bank accounts").

2. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of any contract between the Client and OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD for the implementation of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD order Form, whether it is being an online application form or written ("Contract"). By signing a contract with E-OBSCOMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, the Client accepts these Terms and Conditions. The list of prices and services is available on OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD website (

3. Any commercial condition that would differ, contradict or replace these Terms and Conditions shall not form part of the Contract, unless agreed in writing between the Client and OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD.

4. In case of conflict between these Terms and Conditions and a Contract, the terms of a Contract shall prevail.

5. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time with immediate effect. The Client shall report such changes by written notice. Unless OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD receives a written objection in relation to changes within four weeks from the date of being notified, the modifications will be considered as approved by the Client.

Content and scope of services

Company formation and additional services

6. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD can offer business services to its Clients in specified jurisdictions listed on the website of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD ( OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD can also arrange the supply, either through its subsidiaries or third parties, for additional services such as the supply of candidates for directors and shareholders, commercial Internet accounts, company logo, company stamp, company seal, power, authentication and apostille of documents. "Affiliates", under OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, refers to a subsidiary or a holding company of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, or any other subsidiary of that holding company.

7. All additional services are provided on the basis of a specific agreement between the Client and a Provider, with the exception of stamps, seals, logos and the authentication and apostille.

Bank account opening

8. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD can offer assistance services in relation to the opening of a bank account for the Client. In this framework, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD may propose to the Client a list of banks, but the responsibility of the bank's choice is exclusive to the Client. The Client may choose a bank from the list provided by OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD or another bank ("Bank"). The provision of complementary services such as credit cards, check books or Internet banking access is not guaranteed and is provided "as is". The service can only be used for legal purposes as established by the English laws. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD is not responsible for the decline of personal or corporate bank account opening, or rejection of other products or services that the bank can offer to the Client. In case of refusal on the part of the bank we would proceed to change the banking entity or jurisdiction according to the Client´s needs. In case if the Client is not satisfied with the changes we will return the entire amount except of 25% of a total amount for administrative management.

Right to deny services

9. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD reserves the right to deny any or all services to any Client without giving any reason or explanation to it, and shall not be liable in any circumstances for the denial.

Legal advice

10. While OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD makes every effort to provide loyal and accurate information in all of its services, it doesn´t not offer legal and tax advices. The Client is responsible for ensuring that it has the necessary legal and tax knowledge regarding the registration and operation of the Company, and that the activities do not violate the laws of any competent jurisdiction.

Legal Purposes

11. The Client warrants that it will not take for granted the use of any rights in the Contracts for illegal, obscene, indecent or defamatory purpose, and with that not damage the reputation of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD. The Client shall not use or combine in any manner the name of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, in whole or in part, for business purposes. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD reserves the right to cooperate with any official investigating authority if it is required in relation to an allegation of irregularities against the Client.

Provisions against money laundering and due diligence

12. A Client must provide OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD the information that OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD considers necessary to ensure that the Client complies with the applicable laws regarding money laundering and due diligence. The Client is responsible for ensuring that the information provided to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD is truthful. The Client declares to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD that the assets or funds brought into a company are not directly or indirectly derived from the collection of a crime or illegal activity. In order to allow OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD to comply with its legal obligation, the Client must keep OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD fully and timely informed of any change in beneficial ownership, ownership of shares and management positions of the Company. The effective holders indicated by the Client must sign the "Contracting Form" as requested in the Contract code of conduct for banks with respect to exercise of the due diligence.

Prices and payment terms

In general

13. The Client agrees to pay the fees charged by OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD. The fee schedule of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD can be found on the website of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD (

In addition to the fees mentioned on the website, the Client agrees to pay other miscellaneous expenses, among others, those incurred in convening or attending meetings of the directors, shareholders or secretaries, calling or attending the extraordinary general company meetings, prepare or send any notification or statement, and other similar charges.

OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD begins an execution phase only after having received the full payment of fees. All fees and charges must be paid in the currency specified by OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, which is usually the Euro. The Client is not authorized to retain fees or interests due for any service, warranty or liability claims. Similarly, this document excludes the right to any deduction made by the Client.

Company Formation

14. The Client must pay OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD a single establishment fee to allow the incorporation of the Company, in addition to the annual fees estimated by each jurisdiction. The Client shall pay OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD all other charges such as fees, taxes, government fees and other expenses of third parties, together with the fees of managers or designated shareholders, and transfer rates, including other expenses and various charges. The Client accepts the right of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD to review the annual fees. All modifications to the rate structure will be notified to the Client at least one month before the start of the services corresponding to the period to which said rates apply. The Client may pay the due fees to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD with a valid Visa or MasterCard card that is on its name, or by a bank transfer. The Clients who submit a credit card to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD as a form of payment accept that the company charges the amount corresponding to the total fees or expenses, taxes or fees owed to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD related to the service, plus all unexpected expenses or additional charges.

Bank Account opening

15. The Client must pay OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD a single fee for the service corresponding to the opening of a bank account. This fee may be modified at any time without any prior notification. The opening rate is quoted in Euros (EUR). The Client must pay the opening fee before OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD begins with the account opening. The Client may pay the due amount with a valid Visa or MasterCard that is in its name, or by bank transfer. The Clients who submit a credit card to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD as a form of payment accept that the company will charge them from this credit card the amount corresponding to the rate of opening the account service that they have chosen, plus the cost of courier service if requested.

Retrocession of the banking fees

16. The Clients has been expressly informed that OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD may receive from the Bank a commission or retrocession of bank charges requested to the Bank regarding the account activity (such as, among others, fees for trust deposits, net brokerage expenses, securities administration fees and internal discretionary management mandate fees). The amount of such retrocession will have no effect on bank commissions. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Client expressly gives up the right to demand the payment of the retrocession. The Client has a right to ask OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD for all available information about the nature, amount, or any other information related to the retrocession.

Communication and instructions

17. The Client and OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD may exchange instructions, notices, documents and any other statement by postal mail, email or fax, ALWAYS AND WHEN OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD can send notices about fees as attachments by electronic mail. The Client and OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD must keep all instructions, notices, documents or any other communication as evidence.

The notices must be addressed, as appropriate, to the registered office of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD or any other address that OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD CONSULTING LTD indicated in written to the Client or the Client's address, o any other direction that the Client has indicated in written to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD. In order to ensure that OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD is able to contact the Client at any time whenever necessary, the Client agrees to inform OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD immediately about any changes in address, email address or phone/fax number.

Data protection

18. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, its directors, employees or agents must manipulate the data with total confidentiality. Despite all security precautions, data, including email communications and personal financial data, could reach unauthorized third parties when shared between the Client and OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD. The Client agrees to use software manufactured by third parties, including, among others, the software navigation that supports a data security protocol compatible with the protocol used by OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD.

Legal incapacity

19. The Client shall assume the risk of all damages caused by the lack of proper legal capacity of his own, his lawyers or of third parties, unless said incapacity had been communicated in writing to OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD.


20. Notwithstanding any specific provision, the damage caused by errors or omissions of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, its directors, employees or agents shall be borne by the Client, unless OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, its directors, employees or agents have acted with gross negligence or intent to defraud, or any other liability that can not be excluded. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD will not be liable for any loss caused by mechanical failure, strike, delay or failure of tasks by staff, a manager or an assistant.

21. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD will NOT be responsible for the tax obligations of its clients in their country of residence and therefore can never be held accountable for this cause.

22. Damages of any kind caused directly or indirectly by error, failure, negligence, act or omission of any person, system, institution or facility of payment will be the responsibility of the Client.

23. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD is not responsible for the impossibility of establishing additional services. The responsibility of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD with respect to additional services is strictly limited to the legal obligation of selection, instruction and supervision of subsidiaries or third parties.

24. Damages or losses resulting from the use of postal services, telegraph, telex, fax, telephone or other means of communication or transportation, especially the losses caused by delays, misunderstandings, mutilation, abuse by third parties or duplication of copies shall be borne by the Client unless OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD has acted with total negligence.

25. In the specific case of opening a bank account, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD is the third party in the relationship between the Bank and the Client. Therefore, in no case OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD will be responsible for the relationship between the Bank and Client.OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD has no authority to act or intend to act as an employee, representative or management of any Bank, or sign on behalf of any Bank, or incur any type of obligation on behalf of any Bank.

Duration, termination and suspension of services

26. The Contracts have the duration established in them and will subsequently be extended automatically for successive periods equivalent to the duration of the initial term. In all other aspects, every Contract will be renewed automatically with the same terms and conditions. Both, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD and the Client, may terminate any Contract on the date of termination established therein, or at the end of any extension or renewal period, by sending a written notice to the other party with a minimum two months in advance. The cancelation of the Contract shall be done without any prejudice to the rights and obligations of both parties arising prior to termination or arising in connection with any act or omission occurring prior to termination. The right of immediate termination for a just cause remains unchanged.

27. In case of violation of applicable laws or these Terms and Conditions by the Client, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD may immediately cancel any Contract, including the Contracts related to the additional services offered by the subsidiaries of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD or third parties. In such case, the Client must take all necessary measures to replace the positions that remain vacant in the Company as a result of such termination, plainly agreeing that OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD is not responsible for any damage incurred after an immediate cancelation of the Contract.

Company formation

28. Every Commercial operation contract of a Company has a duration of a full year. In the event that the Client terminates the Contract or requests OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD to transfer the management of the Company to another agent or corporate service provider, or to dissolve the Company, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD will not transfer or dissolve the Company until all the expenses, charges or fees owed have been paid (including, but not limited to, government fees, taxes, fees and other expenses of third parties, with the fees of the directors or shareholders appointed and transfer rate of 895€).

Bank account opening

29. The service ends when the Bank opens the account. Thereafter all the relations are just between the Client and the Bank.

The Client may choose to cancel his order for bank account opening within seven calendar days after placing it. The Client will receive a refund of 75% of opening fee if the following three conditions are completely met: (I) the Bank, with the assistance of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, can not open an account for the Client and (ii) OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD or the Bank have received from the Client all required documentation duly completed by the Client including a copy of the Client´s valid identity document, authenticated according to precise instructions from the Contract of the code of conduct of the Banks in the jurisdiction chosen for the establishment with respect to the application of due diligence, and any document that OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD has requested from the Client, such as, among others, credit card statement, utility bills, employment contract, certificate of incorporation or other evidence of the economic origin of funds, and (iii) the refund request was made during six months after OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD has sent all the documents to the Client. This is the only case in which the refund can be obtained.


Independence of the clauses

30. If by virtue of a written law or if a court, government agency or competent jurisdiction considers that any of the terms or conditions included in this present document are or may be illegal, invalid, prohibited or unenforceable, such terms or conditions will lose its validity according to its illegality, invalidity, prohibition or unenforceability. All other terms and conditions herein shall remain in full force.


31. To carry out the services, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD reserves the right to employ subcontractors that fall within its authority. The rights and obligations of the Client derived from any Contract may only be transferred to third parties with the written consent of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD.

Jurisdiction and applicable legislation

32. All relations between the Client and OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD shall be governed by the English substantive law, independently of the regulations of private international law.

33.The place of application of the obligations of all parties and exclusive jurisdiction for all types of legal proceedings is established in London, United Kingdom, a territory where OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD has its registered office.

However, OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD also has the right to initiate actions against the Client, before any court or competent authority, at the Clients's place of residence.

Limitation of liability regarding content

34.OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, the owner of, strives to provide useful and accurate legal information to its users. However, laws and procedures change frequently and are subject to varying interpretations. OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD does not guarantee that all information on this site is up-to-date. It is your responsibility to ensure that any information you read here is accurate, current and applicable to your situation. In addition, you must understand that if you want to receive a complete and specific legal advice, then you need the assistance of a lawyer. DOES NOT replace an advice of a professional. Its aim is to be a working tool and a simple first orientation for the user.

OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD recommends his Clients to verify the information presented on this website with an authorized source such as the professionals listed in our professional directory.

Return Policy

35. The only services eligible for the policy of return are: Payment Gateway and Bank Account with 25% discount of administrative expenses. The rest of the services such as Virtual cards, Constitution of offshore companies and our billing program will NOT be applied to any refund or claim. In order to ensure the maximum rapidity, the means used for the refunds are Moneybookers are PayPal.

Articles and Comments

36. The opinions expressed in articles and comments published on, are exclusive of their authors and do not reflect the position of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD, nor of the companies, institutions or organizations in which these authors collaborate.


37. All contents accessible at are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights of OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD. All exploitation, reproduction, distribution, transformation or public communication of said contents must be expressly authorized by OBS E-COMMERCE CONSULTING LTD. Only the right to visualize such contents is conferred provided that said right is exercised according to the principles of good faith and exclusively for the user's personal information.

The "framing" (the visualization of a website within another) of is expressly prohibited.





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